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Additional services

Data import

SuperFaktura supports importing invoices from these programs and services: Excel. You can find this option by logging in to your account under Tools & gt; Import. However, if you need to edit somehow the import individually, you can contact us.

Connection to API

To link through the API, you have complete documentation . We are happy to answer any specific questions on info@superfaktura.at. However, if you need more, programming work is charged.

Customized data editing

If you are interested in specific adjustments in your account, we will give you a preliminary cost-per-click calculation.

Summary of additional services

Tab of additional services
Type of services Job Price
Import Invoices (unsupported format) 48 € including VAT for each commenced hour
Contacts (unsupported format)
Stock items
API Programming work on API implementation 48 € including VAT for each commenced hour
Other adjustments Editing User Data 48 € including VAT for each commenced hour
Data Recovery from Backup